What Do Vegan Kids Eat? We love making our own food but of course our mom and dad teach us and help us along the way. Get help from a grown up before you try to make any food if you still need help in the kitchen like we do.
We're excited to share our favorite toys, movies and more... What are your vegan favorites? Let us know by clicking on the CONTACT page!
Our Favorites!
Vegan Baking & Healthier Sweets
Sometimes we bake and make things like pies, cakes, muffins, and even homemade peanut butter cups! These are for special occasions, not everyday of course. Check back for recipes soon!
N'Ice Cream
Freeze bananas in quartered pieces for easy measuring later, blend with other fruit and serve!
Tiny Vegans
Fresh Fruit!!!
What could be better for you than fresh fruit? Tons of vitamins and nutrients can be found in the different colors we eat. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple!
We want to share our favorite vegan stuff with you, recipes, toys, places to visit and fun stuff to do. Keep checking back because we're still building our website. Thanks!
Copyright Tiny Vegans. All rights reserved.